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Se afișează postări din 2009

Colinde la Manastirea Camarzani / Carols from Camarzani Monastery in Moldavia

Un gand bun de Sarbatori, o imagine din gradina catre voi... my garden pond covered with snow... and some Christmas Carols who touched my soul and brought me happiness...I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do.. niste colinde minunate care mi-au inaltat sufletul si mi-au adus fericire ... Decembrie cu al sau Craciun care aduce pace, bucurie si liniste in casele noastre! 06 - Din cer senin - M. Camarzani Asculta mai multe audio Diverse 16 - La Poarta la Stefan Voda - M. Camarzani Asculta mai multe audio Diverse 04 - Colo-n sus - M. Camarzani Asculta mai multe audio diverse Sarbatori Fericite si un An Nou cu impliniri!! Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!

tatal meu, arhitect Augustin Presecan, de suflet... si de amintire...

Una dintre ultimele lui poze... eu asa il tin minte mai bine, cu barba... si-a lasat-o in ultimii ani stati la Moscova. Se scrie acum o carte despre Cluj, despre arhitectii urbanisti care au contribuit la ceea ce este acum urbea noastra, se afla si el in ea, ma bucura... fac in continuare o mica paranteza catre un articol de ziar aparut dupa revolutie pentru a-i schita sumar figura, pentru cei care nu au apucat sa il cunoasca.. din pacate si eu prea putin am putut sa povestesc cu el, a murit cand aveam 8 ani, el 45... i-am simtit lipsa tot timpul, chiar daca il aveam si il am cu mine in inima si gand peste tot... --> Mandrie a Tarii Motilor Arhitectul Augustin Presecan Exista oameni care desi au av ut o viata relativ scurta, prin lucrarile si operele lor au reusit sa impuna posteritatii un respect deosebit fata de memoria, de numele lor, niciodata uitat. Un astfel de om a fost, fara tagada, arhitectul Augustin Presecan, om de certa valoare profesionala, creator al...

Art Fair in Zalau, Romania

Zalau County Museum of History and Art and "Ioan Sima" Art Galleries invite you to the opening of the Art Fair, which takes place on December the 3rd, at 13.00, at “Ioan Sima” Art Galleries, located at 6 Gheorghe Doja Street. The Art Fair will run from December the 3rd 2009 to January the 20th 2010. The offer includes paintings, furniture style, icons on glass, wooden icons and decorative art objects. Among the participants of this year’s fair are art galleries from Zalau, Cluj and Oradea, as well as companies with prestigious achievements in style furniture. There will also be a concert of classical music during the opening, with works by Joseph Hayden: "Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra" - played by Alexander Chirosca – piano, Dénes Kinga - oboe and 'Concerto for Violin and orchestra in C major "- played by Titus Campean at the violin and Ghiurco Ciprian - piano. My participation consists in two paintings, one is a sea landscape from the French Riviera, ...

A place called Normality

Nowadays in Romania, when politicians are like hunting dogs (because we have the presidential elections), I found a special place. I found normality in a small province town called Turda. Today I visited Ratiu Foundation and I spoke to Indrei Ratiu (son of the memorable Romanian politician Ion Ratiu) about their activity. I found the same sane working atmosphere as in Soros Foundation fifteen years ago. I heard about some not-for profit things, values almost forgotten by our society in this hunger for survival or money: democracy, services for community and so on… I found there an inner space, peacefull and kept away from the noise of the town, a place where one can find culture, civilization and education. And what’s the most important, there are young people, students and volunteers who learn behaviours associated to the practice of democracy… Glad to see this in our own area! Good work and keep walking! Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation Ratiu Center for Democracy A...

a path on water

I thought about paths on water and this is the first drawing, from a new series which will follow "traces on water".

Checkout [ART]

I just come back from Austria where I had an exhibition in Graz. I had several discussions concerning art market with different artists and curators, what makes art rise in a community or a city… all the individual efforts are quite good, for instance there is now in Cluj a new cultural centre in an old brush factory, but without the implication of the government there aren’t many chances for a solid cultural and artistic movement or market. I found this article, sustaining the same idea, about Berlin and how the German government supports art and culture, “ making Berlin the largest gallery location in Europe” in Checkout [ART], a very good dialogue about contemporary art, “what artists are doing, what galleries are exhibiting, what collectors are putting in their homes and offices”

Bistrita, Galeria Arcade 24

together with Oliv Mircea before the opening near Bistrita old houses in Bistrita and down in the gallery

invitatie la expozitie

Am deosebita placere sa va transmit invitatia mea la vernisarea expozitiei personale, care va avea loc la Bistrita la Galeria Arcade 24 , marti 27 octombrie a.c., ora 18. Evenimentul se bucura de sprijinul Consiliului Judetean Bistrita Nasaud, fiind prezentata de dl. Oliv Mircea, curatorul acestei expozitii. Astept sa ne intalnim marti seara in ambianta galeriei din Piata Centrala la nr. 24!

keep walking...

Astazi e ultima zi in care mai sunt expuse lucrarile mele in Galeria HIM, dar pentru cei doritori lucrarile se vor mai putea vedea in centrul urbei noastre la Galeriile Fortuna unde puteti poposi si la o cafea sau o bere... Si mai fac aici o referinta la un artico l despre lucrarile mele semnat de Maria Diana Popescu in revista culturala Agero

new paintings

Promenade des Anglais, Nice / oil on canvas / 100 x 100 cm / 2009 There are times which “catch” you, there are landscapes which „enchant” you and atmospheres which “embrace” you in a way which reveals long forgotten memories… such times are summer, the Mediterranean landscape and the atmosphere of the French Riviera. They all meet at this beginning of autumn in Cluj, in my simple “new paintings” or Mediterranean impressions. I can say, without emphasis, that the encounter of these three marks has made me incline towards colour beatitude and the rediscovery of emotions felt long ago. The postimpressionist landscape through the Cezannian example, the fauvism with its lyrical Dufy and tenor Matisse, the joy of life from Renoir and Bonnard’s coloured palette, together with the felt and seen blue , which veils you from everywhere, all these constitute the base of my new paintings. Three elements of the landscape become central through their repetition: the blue of the sea, the red-pin...

detail, new painting

o floare si un gand bun pentru Liza noastra


"Aquatinta" engraving technique, made almost 19 years ago... Great engraving class with Prof. Ioachim NICA

Cluj Art OnLine Gallery

Well, as I was “cleaning up” some files in my computer, I found this link to CAOL, a former Cluj Art On Line Gallery … “Cluj Art OnLine Gallery is an alternative place to Cluj cultural area, a spot which brings forward Cluj contemporary art and painting, not only to the art collector but also to the potential collector, businessman, private or administrative offices or both” … I have closed the site this winter, after eight years, because the target I wanted didn’t unfortunately reach my expectations. With good and bad things, the gallery doesn’t function in a place without a real art market. I believe the few art lovers who are here want more real things instead of virtual ones. Anyway, it was a good experience for me and while it was online I received good remarks and critics, having good artists’ portfolios. I would like to thank once again the main sponsor of the gallery, Mr. Dan Gruita, for supporting this project, he is one of the true Romanian patrons of fine arts.

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ca o continuare la interviul cu A. Plesu de mai jos, iata ce am mai vazut...: Black Sea gets black marks as golden sands lose their sparkle in Romanian Times by David Rogers When it comes to holiday experiences, there can be few more miserable places to end up at than the Romanian Black Sea coast as David Rogers found out when he tested a resort for the Romanian Times. His account follows. .....The difficulties started from the moment I tried to get into the hotel, with the access ramps for luggage and presumably disabled people permanently blocked by cars and even the stairs to the hotel cordoned off by a ring of cars - the no-parking signs were totally ignored. In fact, no sooner had I parked my car but it too was sealed off by another car.... reed m ore in yesss.. this is Romania!!! I love it!! Agonie si extaz, vorba autorului...

despre romani, Romania, un interviu cu A. Plesu in Adevarul

Ies mai puţin pe stradă acum decât ieşeam înainte şi nu sunt încântat de ce văd, ceea ce nu înseamnă că îmi plăcea mai mult înainte. Însă aş fi preferat ca, plecând de la acel stadiu, să fi evoluat altfel. Deocamdată, suntem într-o anumită impuritate: şi vizual, şi auditiv, şi stilistic şi vestimentar, şi alimentar. E, în peisajul cotidian, ceva confuz şi neaşezat. Suntem neaşezaţi. Şi am pierdut câteva virtuţi importante: respectul pentru celălalt, admiraţia genuină, autentică pentru calitatea şi reuşita umană, bunăcuviinţa, politeţea, bunătatea. Mi mi se pare că în România lipseşte tot mai acut bunătatea inimii. ....spuse Andrei Plesu.... cititi mai departe interviul in Adevarul, semnat de George Radulescu

Riviera franceza

Pregatiri… nunta… chefuri…vacanta mare... revin la Cluj, amintiri deja... caldura, mare, azur, dragoste, Cezanne, pini, Dufy, Matisse, fructe de mare, vin rosu, culoare, colorat, albastru ultramarin, cyan, ceruleum, leandri, arta, artisti, Picasso, Miro, lux, Saint Tropez, barci, iahturi, plaja, bere... sudul Frantei: un loc binecuvantat de soare, un loc care merita simtit pe propria piele. S-a vorbit, pictat, desenat si scris mult de Riviera, Provence, de atmosfera locului, de peisajele sale, de campurile de lavanda, de livezile de maslini si padurile de pini, de pictorii si artistii care au ridicat in nemurire aceste locuri, de agoniile si extazul lor. Personal l-am simtit si "citit" mai bine pe Cezanne, m-am apropiat mai mult de Miro si in special l-am redescoperit pe Raoul Dufy prin peisajele acestor locuri. Pe langa bucuria vietii lui Van Gogh simtita in marile muzee ale lumii, aici l-am simtit in adevar pe Raoul Dufy (1877 - 1953) din peisajul vazut prin prisma ...

picture of June...lavender