I just come back from Austria where I had an exhibition in Graz. I had several discussions concerning art market with different artists and curators, what makes art rise in a community or a city… all the individual efforts are quite good, for instance there is now in Cluj a new cultural centre in an old brush factory, but without the implication of the government there aren’t many chances for a solid cultural and artistic movement or market. I found this article, sustaining the same idea, about Berlin and how the German government supports art and culture, “ making Berlin the largest gallery location in Europe” in Checkout [ART], a very good dialogue about contemporary art, “what artists are doing, what galleries are exhibiting, what collectors are putting in their homes and offices”
Una dintre ultimele lui poze... eu asa il tin minte mai bine, cu barba... si-a lasat-o in ultimii ani stati la Moscova. Se scrie acum o carte despre Cluj, despre arhitectii urbanisti care au contribuit la ceea ce este acum urbea noastra, se afla si el in ea, ma bucura... fac in continuare o mica paranteza catre un articol de ziar aparut dupa revolutie pentru a-i schita sumar figura, pentru cei care nu au apucat sa il cunoasca.. din pacate si eu prea putin am putut sa povestesc cu el, a murit cand aveam 8 ani, el 45... i-am simtit lipsa tot timpul, chiar daca il aveam si il am cu mine in inima si gand peste tot... --> Mandrie a Tarii Motilor Arhitectul Augustin Presecan Exista oameni care desi au av ut o viata relativ scurta, prin lucrarile si operele lor au reusit sa impuna posteritatii un respect deosebit fata de memoria, de numele lor, niciodata uitat. Un astfel de om a fost, fara tagada, arhitectul Augustin Presecan, om de certa valoare profesionala, creator al...