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Sorin Campan exhibition at Plan B Gallery, Cluj

Sorin Campan: Pata Street, 2002, oil on cardboard, 31,5 x 36,5 cm

Yesterday I visited Sorin Campan’s show at Plan B Gallery, here in Cluj. He belongs to an elder generation of Romanian artists, fully represented before 1989, while keeping a distance from the official art of the period.

On the white walls of the gallery, under fluorescent light, I found his paintings to be very sensitive and warm. A kind of old moments, undefined times and petrified for eternity. There were mere landscape, but loaded with emotions. I was glad to discover these works in the gallery’s new agenda, among other renowned Transylvanian artists such as Gheorghe Ilea, who will be opening a show in Plan B’s space in Berlin next month.

I found the atmosphere of Campan’s paintings resembling the paintings from the art school: full of life, mysterious and powerful. I would like to tell those of you who are in Cluj or have time to visit this show, it’s definitely worth it! I enjoyed it!

Besides, when I went out of the gallery, I remembered with great pleasure a certain summer time, when I took a drive away from Cluj, in a small village called Rediu, in the surroundings of the town, with two friends: Aurelian and Mihai. I was so impressed by those landscapes that, after I returned from the trip I made a couple of paintings in a flash… here is one of them here, below.

Coffee time in Aurelian's garden, oil on canvas, 110 x 120 cm, 1997

This is why I like this genre, the art speaking by itself, the same as in Campan’s works. They need no words and no comments…The exhibition will be open until March 13th, at the Paintbrush Factory.


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