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Se afișează postări din 2013

Happy Holidays!

December on Somesul Cald River

    It took only five nights for the river to freeze down at Doda Pilii, after our last trip there...      

Winter is almost here...

On November 29, it was the second time I went on the same river, Somesul Cald, as I did a week before, on a beautiful, yet cold fall day ( see previous post's pictures )...with memories and passion of the last moments spent on the water this year in my mind... Together with my friends, we found a frozen atmosphere, the weather was much colder than the last time, snow on the mountains and ice on the river banks. But the day was unforgettable! A timeless day... only us, the water, the fishes and Mother Nature!    Many thanks to Paul Rus who took some great shots with me in the river!

Somesul Cald – a sunny end of fishing season

Montreux Art Gallery - Salon d'Art Contemporain, 9ème édition

For those of you who have the time or are in the Swiss area and wish to see my newest paitings in original, they are displayed between 6-10 November in Montreux. I would be glad to see you there:  

Râul - The River

Râul | acrilic pe hârtie | 90 x 72 cm | 2013 The River | acrylic on paper | 90 x 72 cm | 2013   De mic am fost indragostit de natura, de magia muntelui si farmecul apelor. Au fost momente si trairi de neuitat pe care muntele mi le-a oferit din abundenta, prietenii si legaturi frumoase cu altii aidoma mie, o natura pura si curata vazuta prin ochii unui adolescent, impresii care nu se pot uita, care sunt vii si acum in mintea mea. Arta mea este rodul acestor impresii… De cativa ani am redescoperit   raul in frumusetea lui originara prin iesirile la pescuitul cu musca artificiala.     Nasterea fiului meu Augustin a fost catalizatorul acestei noi pasiuni, care a dus si la intreaga suita de lucrari avand ca tema raul, apa, cu toate semnificatiile si simbolurile ei. Filmul s-a nascut ca o dorinta de a impartasi din aceste impresii culese de pe doua rauri batute aceasta vara mult, intrate in sufletul meu   si surse ale inspiratiei mele in acelasi tim...

The River

The River | oil on canvas | 70 x 70 cm | 2013

Grasshoppers on the river bank in a rainy day