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Enjoy winter time!!

Time goes by: 1987-2010

Two sides of the same story... Cluj Fine Art High School, today and yesterday... My colleagues, 1987 The cherry tree's gone ... studio back in '87 and the same statue... 2010 Prof. Eugen Pletea, 1987

Autumn in Cluj

Strasbourg's 13th contemporary art fair

Some of my most recent works will be displayed at St'art Art Fair, through Danaart Gallery from Bucharest. Central and Eastern Europe is the theme for Strasbourg's 13th Contemporary Art Fair which takes places at the Wacken exhibition centre. The event gives visitors the opportunity to experience the rich cultural heritage of these countries along with current creative trends. The art fair is recognised as the second biggest event of its kind in France and prides itself on being accessible to both novices and experienced art lovers. "On the Water Surface" soft pastels on paper, 60 x 40 cm, 2010 (from the Path over water series)

DanaARTGallery la Targul European de Arta Contemporana ST-ART 2010 din Strasbourg, Franta

ST-ART , Targul European de Arta Contemporana din Strasbourg aflat la a XV-a editie, va avea loc in Centrul Expozitional Strasbourg din Wacken, din 26 pana in 29 noiembrie 2010, cu o avanpremiera in noaptea de joi, 25 noiembrie. Ca in fiecare an din 2005 incoace, ST-ART isi va consolida pozitia ca targ de arta european (cu 40% galerii din strainatate) printr-un omagiu special adus Bucurestiului. Aceasta reprezinta o ocazie unica de a pune in evidenta mostenirea culturala a capitalei si de a-i trece in revista tendintele creative curente. In premiera la acest targ va participa galeria DanaARTGallery ( ) din Bucuresti. Vor expune lucrari de pictura Delia Orman, Valeria Diaconu, Laura Avramescu Cherciu si Daniela Zbarcea. Din portofoliul galeriei se vor regasi lucrarile mai multor artisti: Claudiu Presecan , Ioan Oratie, Iovan Eugen, Craciun Daniel, Alexandra Pasca, Alex Csiki, Cristina Tinta, Alina Manole, Andrei Calinescu si Vlad Eftenie. ST-ART este singurul ta...

My brand new website

I am happy to announce the launch of my new website, www.claudiupresecan. com . The new on-line platform, with a wider and easy to use content, was especially created to keep you informed with new works and events related to my creation. I would also like to be in constant contact with the ones I cannot invite directly in my studio to see my works, through regular newsletters. Therefore, it’s an invitation to see new and old works online, some of which are displayed for the very first time!

Turner Prize 2010

Arts correspondent David Sillito met curator Katherine Stout and art expert Rachel Campbell Johnston to explore the works on display at this year's show . What is contemporary art coming to? The answer at the moment is far from clear...says Rachel Campbell Johnston in Times magazine... well, let the images speak for themselves and their critics to be yourselves: Four artists shortlisted for 2010 Turner Prize Turner Prize 2010: press reviews and some "old stuff" made by this William Turner one of the greatest masters of British landscape painting, two hundred years before:

Summer has ended, fall is here

The last water lily from my pond and the wild crocuses caressed by the sunshine.

Mihai Constantin, arta ca pasiune

Mihai Constantin : un nume cunoscut de pe micile noastre ecrane. Dar pe langa acest aspect, mi-a facut placere sa-i descopar foarte de curand pasiunea lui pentru arta romaneasca si pentru promovarea ei on-line. I-am descoperit blogul printr-un link de pe pagina unei alte artiste cunoscute. Pot spune ca la inceput din curiozitate, dar mai apoi cu interes i-am parcurs articolele... pe care intr-un mod aleatoriu le-am parcurs prin titlurile afisate in partea stanga... open in new tab una cate una si intr-un final chiar le-am parcurs pe toate, bine scrise, informate, intr-un mod simplu dar convingator... mi-au placut! Va invit sa-l parcurgeti si voi cu acelasi interes, merita!

New friendships

I just came back home, after a couple of months of travelling and new experiences, from the Adriatic coast to Sulina - the ending point of the Danube, where the river flows into the Black Sea. I met many interesting people, especially artists, from many countries, each of them with their own background, culture and thoughts. It is so refreshing to see so many different nationalities and characters in such a small part of this world. From a Spanish actor cycling from Spain to India, whom I met in Sulina, to 36 artists from 21 countries in Aiud, a small town of Transylvania, in an art camp I attended in August. I took so many pictures, that it’s hard to choose which I should post right now! To begin with, I’d like to show you some landscapes, which inspired my work in the art camp from Aiud, a camp organized by several enthusiastic people like Stefan Balog, Robert Lixandru or Ioan Hadarig. I took these pictures with the idea of bringing together the model and the painting in the sam...