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Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2009

keep walking...

Astazi e ultima zi in care mai sunt expuse lucrarile mele in Galeria HIM, dar pentru cei doritori lucrarile se vor mai putea vedea in centrul urbei noastre la Galeriile Fortuna unde puteti poposi si la o cafea sau o bere... Si mai fac aici o referinta la un artico l despre lucrarile mele semnat de Maria Diana Popescu in revista culturala Agero

new paintings

Promenade des Anglais, Nice / oil on canvas / 100 x 100 cm / 2009 There are times which “catch” you, there are landscapes which „enchant” you and atmospheres which “embrace” you in a way which reveals long forgotten memories… such times are summer, the Mediterranean landscape and the atmosphere of the French Riviera. They all meet at this beginning of autumn in Cluj, in my simple “new paintings” or Mediterranean impressions. I can say, without emphasis, that the encounter of these three marks has made me incline towards colour beatitude and the rediscovery of emotions felt long ago. The postimpressionist landscape through the Cezannian example, the fauvism with its lyrical Dufy and tenor Matisse, the joy of life from Renoir and Bonnard’s coloured palette, together with the felt and seen blue , which veils you from everywhere, all these constitute the base of my new paintings. Three elements of the landscape become central through their repetition: the blue of the sea, the red-pin...

detail, new painting

o floare si un gand bun pentru Liza noastra